
  1. Astronomy

    Map pinpoints location of invisible dark matter

    Dark matter can’t be seen, but a new map shows where it’s hiding. The map confirms that the mysterious matter is concentrated in regions that contain a lot of ordinary matter in the form of galaxy clusters.

  2. Planetary Science

    Atmospheric water may be giving Saturn its spots

    Planetary scientists think that water in Saturn’s atmosphere could be driving the massive storms that appear every few decades in the ringed planet’s atmosphere.

  3. Planetary Science

    Comet 67P shows no sign of magnetism

    Philae found no evidence of a magnetic field on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, but did send back some clues about its rough landing.

  4. Astronomy

    Afterglow alerts astronomers to gamma-ray burst

    Astronomers have spotted the remnant glow from a gamma-ray burst without first observing its beam of high-energy gamma rays.

  5. Astronomy

    Source of puzzling cosmic signals found — in the kitchen

    One type of radio burst has a pretty mundane origin: prematurely opened microwave ovens.

  6. Planetary Science

    A modest Plutonian proposal

    Flagstaff, Echidna, Spock. Naming conventions for the landscapes of Pluto and its moons are proposed ahead of the arrival of the New Horizons probe.

  7. Astronomy

    Cyanides around young star signal complex organic chemistry

    Abundances of cyanide compounds around a young star match those found in comets in our solar system.

  8. Science & Society

    One anniversary to celebrate, one to contemplate

    In this issue, both feature articles focus on anniversaries, though of two very different kinds.

  9. Astronomy

    Celebrating 25 years of the Hubble Space Telescope

    The Hubble Space Telescope has served for more than two decades as the sharpest eyes ever to peer into the universe.

  10. Astronomy

    The art of astronomy

    Astronomer Zoltan Levay uses the Hubble Space Telescope to create stunning images of cosmic landscapes.

  11. Astronomy

    Saturday’s lunar eclipse will be total, but brief

    A brief total lunar eclipse on April 4 favors observers from western North America to Australia.

  12. Planetary Science

    Minisatellites could detect dangerous asteroids, researchers propose

    Five tiny telescopes orbiting the sun could provide early warning for an Earth-bound asteroid, though other researchers disagree.
