
  1. Astronomy

    As many as nine new dwarf galaxies found outside Milky Way

    A bevy of newly discovered satellite galaxies around the Milky Way could help astronomers study how galaxies form and the nature of dark matter.

  2. Planetary Science

    Something’s cooking on Enceladus

    A trail of silicon-rich particles in one of the rings of Saturn points to possible hydrothermal activity on Enceladus.

  3. Computing

    Concerns about drones, how to hunt exoplanets and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss the potential impacts of human-made fliers and muse about the advantages a poker-playing computer program has over human opponents.

  4. Cosmology

    In era of collaboration, individual initiative can still pay off

    A risky venture to study cosmic ray particles offers no guarantee of success, but it may help answer two of the biggest questions in physics.

  5. Astronomy

    Remote star clusters discovered on edge of Milky Way

    Two newly discovered star clusters are the first ever seen at the remote edges of the Milky Way.

  6. Particle Physics

    Sam Ting tries to expose dark matter’s mysteries

    Particle physicist Sam Ting is applying a meticulous approach to analyzing positrons in space, testing whether they can reveal clues about dark matter.

  7. Planetary Science

    Dawn spacecraft arrives at dwarf planet Ceres

    The Dawn spacecraft arrives at Ceres to begin a 14-month investigation of the dwarf planet.

  8. Astronomy

    Supernova hurls star out of the galaxy

    The fastest-moving star to leave the Milky Way might have been launched by a nearby exploding star.

  9. Astronomy

    Hubble telescope sees quadruple

    A galaxy bends light to create four images of the same supernova.

  10. Planetary Science

    Dawn spacecraft on final approach to Ceres

    Dawn gets ready to enter the first orbit of its 14-month visit to the dwarf planet Ceres.

  11. Astronomy

    Hundreds of galaxies seen in a new 3-D view of the universe

    A new instrument lets astronomers measure the distances to hundreds of galaxies at once, looking back across the age of the universe.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Trying to get the down-low on gravity

    A twist on a classic quantum mechanics experiment could lead to the discovery of elusive gravitons.
