
  1. Planetary Science

    Pluto’s landscapes come into view as New Horizons closes in

    The New Horizons spacecraft sees surface markings and a possible polar cap on Pluto as it closes in for a July encounter.

  2. Astronomy

    Tiny explosions add up to heat corona

    Millions of mini-explosions every second on the sun could solve the riddle of why the sun’s atmosphere is so much warmer than its surface.

  3. Planetary Science

    The Martian Diaries

    Curiosity has explored Mars for over two and a half years. What if NASA's rover kept a scrapbook?

  4. Astronomy

    Lit-up gas clouds hint at galaxies’ violent pasts

    Voorwerpjes, tendrils of gas that orbit galaxies, continue to glow tens of thousands of years after being blasted with ultraviolet radiation.

  5. Astronomy

    Astronomers celebrating Hubble’s past focus on its future

    Astronomers celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope by reflecting on its diversity and looking ahead to the future.

  6. Astronomy

    Cosmic threesomes make some galaxies run away

    Extremely rare, free-floating galaxies called compact ellipticals may have been ejected from their home clusters after a massive intergalactic meet-up.

  7. Space

    Driving Curiosity to discovery

    Discovery is driven by curiosity, on Mars and closer to home.

  8. Astronomy

    Cosmic rays misbehave in space station experiment

    A puzzling feature in a new cosmic ray census may force physicists to rethink which cosmic objects send these speedy particles hurtling across the galaxy.

  9. Astronomy

    Color differences could recalibrate cosmic acceleration rate

    Color differences in a class of supernovas could lower estimates of how much dark energy is in the universe.

  10. Planetary Science

    Before moon landings, scientists thought dust or crust might disrupt touchdown

    Moon dust didn’t swallow spacecraft as was suggested in the 1960s. Successful exploration since that has changed our view of the moon.

  11. Astronomy

    A look back in time reveals Milky Way’s evolution

    A sample of galaxies covering 11 billion years of cosmic history helps astronomers document how the Milky Way evolved.

  12. Astronomy

    X-rays offer early warning for solar flares

    X-rays shot out by the sun foretell the intensity of an upcoming solar flare, new research suggests.
