
  1. Planetary Science

    The sad magnetic state of the solar system’s rocky worlds

    While a strong magnetic shield protects Earth from the sun’s occasional outbursts, the solar system’s other rocky planets are mostly defenseless.

  2. Planetary Science

    The wait for more Pluto data is almost over

    As New Horizons prepares to tell us everything it learned about Pluto, fans of the dwarf planet take a crack at imagining what the spacecraft saw.

  3. Astronomy

    First known exoplanets have few counterparts

    The first known exoplanets were discovered around pulsars — probably one of the least likely places to have been found, astronomers now say.

  4. Astronomy

    Two stars were once considered coldest known

    Two stars once thought to be the coldest known are actually scorching compared with some truly frigid brown dwarfs.

  5. Astronomy

    Go to Green Bank to listen to the stars

    Visitors to the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia get a close-up with the world’s largest movable land object.

  6. Astronomy

    Nearby quasar may be home to dynamic duo

    A pair of black holes left over from a galaxy collision might live in the nearest quasar to Earth.

  7. Planetary Science

    Life after Pluto: New Horizons to head for Kuiper belt boulder

    The New Horizons spacecraft has a second target in the Kuiper belt: an icy boulder dubbed 2014 MU69.

  8. Planetary Science

    Mountains, craters revealed in latest images of dwarf planet Ceres

    The Dawn spacecraft sent back postcards from Ceres that show off the dwarf planet’s varied terrain.

  9. Planetary Science

    Flyby of Dione yields stunning pictures of icy Saturn moon

    Saturn’s moon Dione shows off its ripping landscapes during the Cassini spacecraft’s final flyby.

  10. Astronomy

    Eight more galaxies found orbiting the Milky Way

    The dozens of satellite galaxies that orbit the Milky Way make excellent laboratories for studying dark matter.

  11. Astronomy

    Eight more galaxies found orbiting the Milky Way

    The dozens of satellite galaxies that orbit the Milky Way make excellent laboratories for studying dark matter.

  12. Astronomy

    Choose Ninja, Cervantes or Rosalind as names for exoplanets

    Names for 20 exoplanets are in the hands of a discerning online audience.
