
  1. Astronomy

    Cosmic rays maintain their mystery

    Cosmic rays come from all over the universe, including some places we’re not so sure about.

  2. Astronomy

    Early stars found swirling in the Milky Way center

    Ancient stars with low iron abundance surround the Milky Way’s center.

  3. Astronomy

    Chile telescope array spots nearby Earth-sized planet

    The discovery of GJ 1132b, the nearest Earth-sized planet known beyond the solar system, could herald the era of probing the atmospheres of nearby worlds for signs of life.

  4. Planetary Science

    Phobos starting to crack under pressure

    Grooves that wrap around Phobos show that the Martian moon is starting to crack from stress.

  5. Planetary Science

    Impact from a space rock may have helped shape Pluto’s heart

    Pluto’s heart is deep basin, possibly caused by a run in with something else in the Kuiper belt.

  6. Planetary Science

    Impact from a space rock might have formed Pluto’s heart

    Pluto’s heart is deep basin, possibly caused by a run in with something else in the Kuiper belt.

  7. Planetary Science

    Meteors shower Mercury

    Meteor showers kick up shroud of calcium on Mercury.

  8. Planetary Science

    Pluto continues to deliver surprises

    Ice volcanoes, young landscapes and twirling moons are just a few more surprises from Pluto.

  9. Planetary Science

    MAVEN mission finding clues to Mars’ climate change

    Intense solar storms in the past might have stripped Mars of its water as well as much of the rest of its atmosphere.

  10. Planetary Science

    Course set for New Horizons journey to Kuiper belt object

    New Horizons bids Pluto farewell as it starts a 1.45-billion-kilometer cruise to its next target.

  11. Astronomy

    Nearby galaxies put a lens on hundreds of distant ones

    Cache of faint galaxies in early universe discovered with help from massive galaxy clusters a bit closer to home.

  12. Planetary Science

    Pluto’s smaller moons pose mysteries

    The four smaller moons of Pluto are finally revealed in images from New Horizons, and might hold some clues to the dwarf planet’s past.
