
  1. Astronomy

    Stephen Hawking finds the inner genius in ordinary people

    Ordinary people wrestle with big questions in science and philosophy in Genius, a new television series hosted by Stephen Hawking.

  2. Astronomy

    Earth has nothing on this exoplanet’s lightning storms

    Lightning storms far more intense than any on Earth might explain radio waves that once came from a planet 124 light-years away.

  3. Astronomy

    Kepler telescope doubles its count of known exoplanets

    NASA’s Kepler space telescope adds 1,284 planets to the roster of worlds known to orbit other stars in our galaxy.

  4. Planetary Science

    Mercury’s stunning landscape mapped

    First complete topographic map of Mercury reveals plains, craters and both the highest and lowest points on the planet.

  5. Planetary Science

    Long-running lunar mission reveals moon’s surprises

    Seven years into its mission, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is still going strong and finding surprises on the moon.

  6. Astronomy

    Mercury is about to make a rare journey across the face of the sun

    On May 9, Mercury will make a rare appearance as a small dot passing across the face of the sun.

  7. Astronomy

    Nearby exoplanet trio new target in search for life

    Three nearby exoplanets might be good spots to go looking for signs of alien life.

  8. Astronomy

    Japan’s latest X-ray telescope is officially dead

    The Japanese space agency has officially declared its latest X-ray telescope a loss.

  9. Planetary Science

    Hubble telescope finds small moon orbiting dwarf planet Makemake

    Hubble Space Telescope images from April 2015 show that the dwarf planet Makemake has a tiny moon.

  10. Planetary Science

    Tiny moon orbits dwarf planet

    Hubble Space Telescope images from April 2015 show that the dwarf planet Makemake has a tiny moon.

  11. Astronomy

    Gas blasts from black holes show surprising alignment

    Unexpected alignment of galactic gas geysers might offer new insight into how galaxies and black holes arise from the cosmic web.

  12. Cosmology

    Ancient dwarf galaxy was heavy-element factory

    A rare event in an ancient galaxy left traces of heavy elements in its stars.
