Science & Society

  1. Science & Society

    Blame bad incentives for bad science

    Scientists have to publish a constant stream of new results to succeed. But in the process, their success may lead to science’s failure, two new studies warn.

  2. Science & Society

    2016 Nobels: Science News fans read it here first

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses Nobel-winning science and what the future may hold.

  3. Humans

    Tom Wolfe’s denial of language evolution stumbles over his own words

    Tom Wolfe’s book denies that language evolved and attacks Darwin and Chomsky with smugness lacking substance.

  4. Genetics

    ‘Three-parent babies’ explained

    Several in vitro techniques can produce babies with three biological parents.

  5. Ecosystems

    ‘Citizen Scientist’ exalts ordinary heroes in conservation science

    Journalist Mary Ellen Hannibal’s “Citizen Scientist” tells tales of ordinary people contributing to science.

  6. Oceans

    Atlantic monument is home to unique and varied creatures

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean.

  7. Science & Society

    Sometimes failure is the springboard to success

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses scientific discoveries that resulted from failures large and small.

  8. Tech

    XPRIZE launched new kind of space race, book recounts

    'How to Make a Spaceship' chronicles the XPRIZE challenge that helped ignite the private space industry.

  9. Genetics

    First ‘three-parent baby’ born from nuclear transfer

    The first human baby produced through spindle nuclear transfer was born in April, New Scientist reports.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Sugar industry sought to sugarcoat causes of heart disease

    Sugar industry has long, sweet history of influencing science.

  11. Earth

    Nuclear blasts, other human activity signal new epoch, group argues

    A group of scientists will formally propose the human-defined Anthropocene as a new epoch in Earth’s geologic history within a few years, probably pegging the start date to nuclear tests.

  12. Genetics

    New era of human embryo gene editing begins

    Gene editing of viable human embryos is happening, in and out of the public eye.
