Quantum Physics

  1. Quantum Physics

    Milestone algorithm runs on quantum computer

    An algorithm proposed two decades ago that demonstrated the benefit of using quantum mechanics to solve certain problems has finally been run on a quantum computer.

  2. Physics

    Magnetic detector identifies single protons

    An MRI-like machine can scan an individual proton, raising prospects that a similar technique could eventually image biological molecules one by one.

  3. Quantum Physics

    Hawking radiation spotted within sonic black hole

    Lab-created sonic black hole emits energy as famed physicist Stephen Hawking predicted, though the experiment may not be definitive.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Photons on roundabout route could get caught in action

    Proposed twist on classic double-slit experiment could identify light that weaves in and out.

  5. Quantum Physics

    Quasiparticles help physicists make sense of the world

    To improve semiconductors, superconductors and other materials, physicists view a particle and its surroundings as one entity.

  6. Quantum Physics

    Three photons entangled, not just two

    Physicists have found a way to entangle a trio of photons, but it works only once in every quadrillion attempts.

  7. Quantum Physics

    New analysis rescues quantum wave-particle duality

    An experiment that supposedly contradicted the wave-particle duality principle of quantum physics has been reanalyzed, revealing a flaw.

  8. Quantum Physics

    Artificial atom probes sound’s quantum side

    Scientists have designed an artificial atom to emit sound that is divided into quantum particles.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Holography entangles quantum physics with gravity

    Spacetime geometry, and therefore gravity, emerges from quantum entanglement, analyses using tensor networks show.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Molecules stop tumbling with hit of laser light

    Stopping molecules' rotation with a custom laser could help scientists harness them for quantum computing.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Tensor networks get entangled with quantum gravity

    Using tensors to describe quantum entanglement shows promise as a way to understand gravity.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Blind quantum camera snaps photos of Schrödinger’s cat

    Quantum weirdness lets physicists snap photo without collecting incoming light from cardboard cat subject.
