
  1. Psychology

    A genetic pathway to language disorders

    Researchers suspect a newly uncovered regulatory link between two genes contributes to language impairments in a range of developmental disorders.

  2. Science & Society

    It’s time for addiction science to supersede stigma

  3. Health & Medicine

    Body In Mind

    Long thought the province of the abstract, cognition may actually evolve as physical experiences and actions ignite mental life.

  4. Psychology

    World of hurt

    Treatments shown to diminish psychological problems in traumatized youngsters often don’t get used, an exhaustive research review concludes.

  5. Psychology

    Undecided voters not so undecided

    A measure of unconscious attitudes predicts the opinions that undecided people eventually reach on a controversial issue.

  6. Psychology

    Core calculations

    Number words may serve as mental tools for expanding on basic, nonverbal numerical knowledge rather than as determinants of such knowledge.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Sick and down

    To fight off an infection or illness, the body shifts into a slow-down mode that mirrors some symptoms of depression. In fact, scientists now think the immune response itself may even cause the mood disorder.

  8. Psychology

    Lie defectives

    A new analysis challenges the view that a few people with special experience can detect others’ lies with great accuracy.

  9. Psychology

    Woman knob twists

    People nonverbally impose a specific order on descriptions of witnessed events, a tendency that may influence the structure of new languages, a new study suggests.

  10. Psychology

    Wave of resilience

    Indian survivors of the devastating Asian tsunami employed spiritual and community coping strategies to regain emotional balance

  11. Psychology

    Simpleminded Voters

    An innovative research technique has led researchers to conclude that well-informed voters often use simple rules of thumb to sift through mountains of campaign information and pick the candidate who best reflects their own political views.

  12. Humans

    Worth the cooties

    Boys who attend preschool classes with a majority of girls do better developmentally than other boys.
