
  1. Plants

    So Sproutish: Anti-aging gene for plants gives drought protection

    A gene that can hold off the decrepitude of old age in plants offers an unusual approach to protecting crops from drought.

  2. Plants

    It Takes a Village: Tweaking neighbors reroutes evolution

    The other residents of a plant's neighborhood can make a big difference in whether evolutionary forces favor or punish a plant's trait.

  3. Plants

    Tough Frills: Ferns’ wimp stage aces survival test

    A supposedly fragile stage in the life of ferns shows surprising toughness.

  4. Plants

    Stalking the Green Meat Eaters

    Pitcher plants in a New England bog hold little ecosystems in their leaves, and also act as indicators of the bog's ecological health.

  5. Plants

    Water-saving grain

    Rice with an added gene needs less water and can survive drought.

  6. Plants

    Cretaceous Corsages? Fossil in amber suggests antiquity of orchids

    Orchids appeared on the scene about 80 million years ago, according to evidence from a bee that collected orchid pollen and got trapped in amber.

  7. Plants

    Easy There, Bro: A plant can spot and favor close kin

    A little beach plant can recognize its siblings as long as their roots grow in nearby soil.

  8. Plants

    Tiny pool protects flower buds

    A rare structure on flowers, tiny cups that keep buds underwater until they bloom, can protect the buds from marauding moths.

  9. Plants

    Old plants were lost in the grass

    An obscure family of plants long thought to be relatives of grasses turns out to represent one of the most ancient surviving lineages of flowering plants.

  10. Plants

    Secret Agent: Hidden helper lets fungus save plants from heat

    A fungus that supposedly lets plants live in overheated soil turns out to work only if it's infected with a certain virus.

  11. Plants

    Biggest Bloom: Superflower changes branch on family tree

    The plants with the world's largest flowers, the rafflesias, need to be moved closer to poinsettias on the family tree of plant life.

  12. Plants

    Orchid bends around to insert pollen

    An orchid species in China has set a new record for acrobatics in self-pollination, twisting its male organs around and inserting them into the cavity where the female organ lies.
