
  1. Plants

    Plants’ ATP collector found

    Scientists identified two genes that write the code for the molecules, or receptors, that pull ATP into plant cells.

  2. Plants

    Bladderwort opens wide

    Under a microscope, the tiny trap of a carnivorous plant becomes an impressive gaping maw.

  3. Agriculture

    Sweet potato weevils have favorite colors

    When it comes to eradicating the sweet potato weevil, the devil is in the colorful details.

  4. Climate

    Mangroves move up Florida’s coast

    Satellite images reveal that the tropical trees are expanding north up Florida’s Atlantic coast, taking advantage of rising winter temperatures.

  5. Animals

    Smoker’s breath saves caterpillars’ lives

    Larvae of the tobacco hornworm caterpillar exhale nicotine, driving away predatory spiders.

  6. Plants


    A cellular part such as a light-harvesting chloroplast that an organism takes from algae it has eaten.

  7. Animals

    A year of rediscovered species

    Thousands of species go extinct each year, but at least a few are found after many years of being lost.

  8. Plants

    Lone survivor of ancient flowers is gluttonous gene consumer

    The rare Amborella shrub has engulfed whole genomes from other species.

  9. Plants

    How weeds hitchhike across the country

    A drive down a muddy lane can be fun, but it can also pick up the seeds of weeds or invasive species and transport them far away.

  10. Plants


    A newly discovered structure where mouth-puckering compounds called tannins form inside plant cells.

  11. Plants

    In dry times, these trees invest in ants

    The insects provide adequate defense by ganging up on leaf-eating caterpillars and biting their undersides until the herbivores fall off the tree.

  12. Plants

    Single-sex flowers release his, hers fragrances

    Growing on the same tree, male blooms smell different from female blooms in certain tropical plant species.
