
  1. Life

    A message to rock climbers: Be kind to nature

    Scientists are only just starting to figure out the impacts that the sport of rock climbing is having on cliff ecosystems.

  2. Plants

    Meat-eating pitcher plants raise deathtraps to an art

    The carnivorous California pitcher plant ensnares its dinner using a medley of techniques.

  3. Paleontology

    Tomatillo fossil is oldest nightshade plant

    Two 52-million-year-old tomatillo fossils in Patagonia push the origin of nightshade plants back millions of years, to the time when dinosaurs roamed.

  4. Climate

    Year in review: Sea ice loss will shake up ecosystems

    Researchers are studying the complex biological consequences of polar melting and opening Arctic passageways.

  5. Plants

    Bacteria help carnivorous plants drown their prey

    Pitcher plant drowning traps are more difficult for an insect to escape when bacteria colonize them.

  6. Plants

    Tweaking how plants manage a crisis boosts photosynthesis

    Shortening plants’ recovery time after blasts of excessive light can boost crop growth.

  7. Climate

    CO2-loving plants can counter human emissions

    Plants temporarily halted the acceleration of rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, new research suggests.

  8. Plants

    Flower lures pollinators with smell of honeybee fear

    When it comes to attracting pollinators, one flower species catches more flies with honeybees.

  9. Plants

    Narrowed plumbing lets flower survive summer cold snaps

    Ice barriers help alpine plants save their flowers during summer cold snaps.

  10. Plants

    ‘The Long, Long Life of Trees’ takes readers on a walk in the woods

    The Long, Long Life of Trees explores the scientific, historical and cultural significance of apple, birch, elm and 14 other kinds of trees.

  11. Plants

    How a tomato plant foils a dreaded vampire vine

    Tomatoes can foil a dodder plant attack by getting scared and scabbing over.

  12. Plants

    Sneaky virus helps plants multiply, creating more hosts

    Plant virus makes hosts more attractive to pollinators, ensuring future virus-susceptible plants.
