Planetary Science
Planetary Science
Digging deep into Martian soil
NASA's rover takes a closer look at Mars' surface.
By Nadia Drake -
The man behind Sarcastic Rover
NASA’s newest rover, Curiosity, wasn’t alone on Mars for long.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
Scientists probe fresh Martian meteorite
Rock holds clues to Red Planet’s atmosphere and surface conditions.
By Tanya Lewis -
Planetary Science
Mars clays may have volcanic source
Deposits didn’t need flowing water to form, new research suggests.
By Erin Wayman -
Planetary Science
Planetary Peekaboo
Astronomers aren’t playing games when it comes to spotting an exoEarth.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
Voyager chasing solar system’s edge
On the 35th anniversary of the spacecraft’s launch, scientists ponder when it will move beyond the sun’s reach.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
Dawn mission to die another day
A glitch does not threaten the spacecraft’s survival, but it will delay an upcoming visit to the dwarf planet Ceres.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
Wheels down, Mars rover takes in the view
After a safe landing, NASA’s Curiosity begins transmitting images back to Earth.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
Curiosity lands safely on Mars
Lowered by sky crane onto the surface, NASA rover prepares to look for signs that life could have evolved on the Red Planet.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
A lifetime of curiosity: An interview with JPL director Charles Elachi
Nadia Drake speaks with the lab head days before the Mars Science Laboratory’s scheduled landing.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
BLOG: Mission control before the party
On the eve of Curiosity’s planned Martian landing, Science News astronomy reporter Nadia Drake checks out JPL’s space central.
By Nadia Drake -
Planetary Science
Young scientist crosses fingers for Mars rover
Ryan Anderson’s graduate work helped researchers select Curiosity’s landing site in Gale Crater.
By Nadia Drake