Planetary Science

  1. Planetary Science

    NASA gives up on fixing Kepler

    Space telescope’s days as a premier planet hunter are over.

  2. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s tides drive icy moon’s plumes

    Enceladus' chilly jets ebb and flow in time with its planet's tug.

  3. Planetary Science

    Cassini photo puts Earth in perspective

    Probe captures planet from 1.4 billion kilometers away.

  4. Planetary Science

    Neptune gets 14th moon

    Images from Hubble Space Telescope reveal tiny, dark satellite orbiting blue-green gas giant.

  5. Planetary Science

    Gas, not planets, may be source of rings around stars

    Interactions between gas and dust may form elliptical patterns.

  6. Planetary Science

    Voyager 1 on fast track toward interstellar space

    More than 35 years after launch, the probe finally nears the solar system's edge.

  7. Planetary Science

    Mystery Meteorite

    The case for (and against) a rock from Mercury.

  8. Planetary Science

    Thirty years to Mars

    Excerpt from the June 15, 1963, issue of Science News Letter.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Mars trip would deliver big radiation dose

    Curiosity instrument confirms expectation of major exposures.

  10. Planetary Science

    Gone perhaps, but Kepler won’t soon be forgotten

    Astronomers look forward to building on the planet-hunting telescope's discoveries.

  11. Astronomy

    Most Earthlike planets yet seen bring Kepler closer to its holy grail

    Space telescope finds globes that, compared with our world, are slightly larger and orbit a smaller star.

  12. Planetary Science

    Faint Young Sun

    Scientists struggle to understand how early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water.
