Planetary Science

  1. Planetary Science

    Life after Pluto: New Horizons to head for Kuiper belt boulder

    The New Horizons spacecraft has a second target in the Kuiper belt: an icy boulder dubbed 2014 MU69.

  2. Planetary Science

    Mountains, craters revealed in latest images of dwarf planet Ceres

    The Dawn spacecraft sent back postcards from Ceres that show off the dwarf planet’s varied terrain.

  3. Planetary Science

    Flyby of Dione yields stunning pictures of icy Saturn moon

    Saturn’s moon Dione shows off its ripping landscapes during the Cassini spacecraft’s final flyby.

  4. Planetary Science

    Comet 67P, Rosetta spacecraft cozy up to the sun

    Comet 67P is shooting off brilliant jets of gas and dust as it swings in close to the sun, giving scientists clues to the space rocks chemical composition.

  5. Neuroscience

    Shifting views of brain cells, and other fresh perspectives

    The details emerging from the latest work on glial cells are sure to yield more insights as scientists continue their struggle to understand the mind.

  6. Planetary Science

    New exoplanet: Big Earth or small Neptune?

    NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has discovered a “cousin” of Earth 1,400 light-years away. But even though the new planet bears many similarities to Earth, experts say much about it remains a mystery.

  7. Planetary Science

    Quest to trace origin of Earth’s water is ‘a complete mess’

    Understanding the origin of Earth’s water is hard enough, and it’s made harder by not knowing where all that water is hiding.

  8. Planetary Science

    Mini moons may zip around Earth

    Mini moons may buzz around Earth, and they make great targets for space missions.

  9. Planetary Science

    Map of Ceres’ surface shows surprises

    Clusters of craters on Ceres and smooth landscapes hint at an unusual past for the dwarf planet.

  10. Planetary Science

    New results from Philae lander offer first close-up of a comet

    Philae’s bouncy journey across comet 67P allowed it to check out two very different sites before taking a detailed look at both the inside and outside of the comet.

  11. Life

    Encountering an unexpected Pluto and life’s complexity

    Just as genetic analyses are revealing details of life’s long history, the New Horizons probe is bringing the fuzzy surface of Pluto into focus.

  12. Planetary Science

    Pluto’s icy landscape comes into view

    The New Horizons flyby reveals varied terrain and evidence of active geology on Pluto.
