Planetary Science

  1. Planetary Science

    Weird wave found in Venus’ wind-whipped atmosphere

    A 10,000-kilometer-long gravity wave arched across the upper atmosphere of Venus. The feature may have been the largest of its kind in the solar system.

  2. Planetary Science

    The moon is still old

    New analysis of moon rocks points to our satellite forming about 4.51 billion years ago, roughly 60 million years after the start of the solar system.

  3. Planetary Science

    Many tiny moons came together to form moon, simulations suggest

    Earth’s moon formed from mini-moons generated by a series of medium to large impacts, rather than from one colossal collision, researchers propose

  4. Planetary Science

    Dawn spacecraft maps water beneath the surface of Ceres

    Water ice sits just beneath the surface and within some permanently shadowed craters of the dwarf planet Ceres.

  5. Planetary Science

    Moon’s lava tubes could be colossal

    Lava tubes inside the moon could remain structurally sound up to 5 kilometers across and offer prime real estate for lunar colonists.

  6. Planetary Science

    First signs of boron on Mars hint at past groundwater, habitability

    The Curiosity rover has found the first signs of boron on Mars, which could hint at past habitable groundwater.

  7. Planetary Science

    First signs of boron on Mars hint at past groundwater, habitability

    The Curiosity rover has found the first signs of boron on Mars, which could hint at past habitable groundwater.

  8. Planetary Science

    Ice gave Pluto a heavy heart

    Sputnik Planitia, the left half of Pluto’s heart-shaped region, might have been carved out by the weight of thick layers of ice built up billions of years ago.

  9. Earth

    How a ring of mountains forms inside a crater

    Rocks drilled from the Chicxulub crater linked to the demise of the dinosaurs reveal how mountainous peak rings form within large impact craters.

  10. Planetary Science

    X-ray mystery shrouds Pluto

    Chandra telescope detects seven X-ray photons coming from Pluto, suggesting that the solar wind runs into a tail of gas streaming from the dwarf planet.

  11. Planetary Science

    Mars lander debris spotted

    The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged the impact site of the Schiaparelli Mars lander, missing in action since its October 19 descent.

  12. Planetary Science

    Two unseen moons may circle Uranus

    Two more moons might be lurking around Uranus, causing material in the planet’s rings to clump up, Voyager 2 data suggest.
