Planetary Science

  1. Planetary Science

    What will it take to go to Venus?

    Undeterred by funding woes, scientists are scraping together ideas to tackle heat, pressure and acidity challenges of landing on Venus.

  2. Planetary Science

    Massive dust storms are robbing Mars of its water

    Mars was once lush with water. A new analysis of Martian climate data shows a mechanism that might have helped dehydrate the planet.

  3. Planetary Science

    Shallow ice sheets discovered on Mars could aid future astronauts

    Exposed water ice on steep Martian slopes suggest there’s a lot within a meter or two of the surface.

  4. Planetary Science

    Hubble telescope ramps up search for Europa’s watery plumes

    Astronomers are redoubling their efforts to confirm that the icy moon Europa spews water from its south pole.

  5. Planetary Science

    How to keep humans from ruining the search for life on Mars

    As the race to put humans on Mars heats up, researchers worry they are running out of time to find life on the Red planet.

  6. Planetary Science

    NASA is headed to Earth’s outermost edge

    NASA’s upcoming GOLD mission will study the charged border between Earth and space.

  7. Astronomy

    Aliens ruled out for why Tabby’s star flickers

    The first real-time observations of Tabby’s star flickering put the final nail in the “alien megastructure” coffin.

  8. Astronomy

    86 stars get official names

    The International Astronomical Union has released 86 newly official star names, based, in part, on historical star names from various indigenous cultures.

  9. Planetary Science

    Here’s what you might have missed in space this year

    Missions to Jupiter and Saturn made big headlines, and 2017 also saw exciting updates from missions of years past.

  10. Astronomy

    NASA’s next stop will be Titan or a comet

    The finalists for NASA’s next solar system mission aim to send a drone to Saturn’s largest moon or to return samples from a comet.

  11. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s rings are surprisingly young and may be from shredded moons

    Final data from the Cassini spacecraft put a date and a mass on the gas giant’s iconic rings.

  12. Astronomy

    New Horizons’ next target might have a moon

    New Horizons’ next target, Kuiper Belt object MU69, may have a small moon.
