Planetary Science

  1. Planetary Science

    Jupiter’s magnetic field is surprisingly weird

    New results from NASA’s Juno spacecraft reveal different magnetic behavior in the planet’s northern and southern hemispheres.

  2. Planetary Science

    The massive Mars dust storm is waning. Now, will Opportunity wake?

    With a global dust storm on Mars finally passing, NASA hopes that its Opportunity rover will soon phone home.

  3. Planetary Science

    New Horizons has sent back the first images of Ultima Thule, its next target

    NASA probe gets its first look at distant Kuiper Belt object

  4. Planetary Science

    OSIRIS-REx snaps first images of asteroid Bennu

    OSIRIS-REx got its first glimpse of near-Earth asteroid Bennu. The probe will collect a sample from the asteroid and return it to Earth.

  5. Planetary Science

    Here’s where the Hayabusa2 spacecraft will land on the asteroid Ryugu

    Japan’s Hayabusa2 probe and its landers will touch down on the asteroid Ryugu in the next few months to pick up dust samples and return them to Earth.

  6. Astronomy

    New Horizons may have seen a glow at the solar system’s edge

    New Horizons may have seen a hydrogen wall just past the edge of the solar system, where the solar wind meets the stuff of interstellar space.

  7. Planetary Science

    What does Mars’ lake mean for the search for life on the Red Planet?

    A lake spotted hiding under Martian ice could support life, but finding out if anything lives there could be challenging.

  8. Planetary Science

    Mars (probably) has a lake of liquid water

    A 15-year-old Mars orbiter has spotted signs of a salty lake beneath the Red Planet’s south polar ice sheets.

  9. Planetary Science

    Jupiter has 12 more moons than we knew about — and one is bizarre

    Astronomers found a dozen previously unknown moons of Jupiter, and one may be a remnant of a larger moon that was all but ground to dust.

  10. Planetary Science

    First global maps of Pluto and Charon show the worlds’ highs and lows

    New charts of Pluto and its moon Charon, compiled using New Horizons’ data, reveal high peaks, deep depressions and strange ridges.

  11. Astronomy

    Astronomers snap the first baby pictures of a planet

    New telescope images give the clearest view of an exoplanet embryo yet.

  12. Astronomy

    Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft arrives at the asteroid Ryugu

    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft says “hello” to near-Earth asteroid Ryugu.
