Planetary Science

  1. Earth

    Fossil mimics may be more common in ancient rocks than actual fossils

    Evidence of early life may be harder to preserve than pseudofossils — structures that form abiotically but resemble living remnants.

  2. Space

    How future spacecraft might handle tricky landings on Venus or Europa

    Scientists are getting inventive with ways to touch down on these worlds, where landers will face obstacles not seen elsewhere in the solar system.

  3. Space

    Hayabusa2’s asteroid dirt may hold clues to the early solar system

    “We collected the treasure box,” a Japanese space scientist announced after a capsule holding samples from asteroid Ryugu safely landed on Earth.

  4. Planetary Science

    50 years ago, scientists caught their first glimpse of amino acids from outer space

    In 1970, scientists detected amino acids in a meteorite. Fifty years later, a variety of chemical ingredients for life have been found in other space rocks.

  5. Space

    December’s stunning Geminid meteor shower is born from a humble asteroid

    Most meteor showers arise from comets, but the robust Geminid shower comes from an asteroid, Phaethon, which scientists are still trying to figure out.

  6. Planetary Science

    China is about to collect the first moon rocks since the 1970s

    The robotic Chang’e-5 mission, which landed on an unexplored region of the moon December 1, aims to gather samples and return them to Earth.

  7. Planetary Science

    Farming on Mars will be a lot harder than ‘The Martian’ made it seem

    Lab experiments developing and testing fake Martian dirt are proving just how difficult it would be to farm on the Red Planet.

  8. Planetary Science

    Chemical reactions high in Mars’ atmosphere rip apart water molecules

    Mars is so dry because its water constant escapes into space. A new study suggests this process occurs in the ionosphere and faster than thought.

  9. Space

    Jupiter’s icy moon Europa may glow in the dark

    Europa’s potential “ice glow” could help scientists map the chemical composition of its surface — and the ocean underneath.

  10. Space

    Jupiter may host atmospheric ‘sprites’ or ‘elves’ never seen beyond Earth

    For the first time, NASA’s Juno spacecraft may have spied the bright, superfast light show on another world.

  11. Planetary Science

    Doubts over a ‘possible sign of life’ on Venus show how science works

    Detecting phosphine in Venus’ atmosphere made headlines, but reanalyses and new searches call into question the original discovery of the molecule.

  12. Space

    Water exists on sunny parts of the moon, scientists confirm

    New observations of the moon, made by a telescope flying onboard a Boeing 747-SP jet, have confirmed the presence of water on sunlit areas of the moon.
