
  1. Physics

    How a violin’s f-holes influence its sound

    F-shaped holes move air faster, allowing classic violins to put out more powerful sounds at lower frequencies than their ancestors, a new study shows.

  2. Physics

    Raindrops kick up soil chemicals

    The champagne-like fizz produced when a raindrop hits the ground may be responsible for the earthy aroma after a rainstorm.

  3. Physics

    Temperatures taken in the realm of the tiny

    Aluminum and other materials can serve as their own thermometers at nanometer scales, opening up the possibility of taking the temperature of tiny computer transistors.

  4. Materials Science

    Oxygen sneaks into titanium, making it brittle

    Oxygen atoms trigger defects in titanium’s atomic structure, making the metal brittle.

  5. Particle Physics

    New particle may be made of four quarks

    A newly discovered particle may be comprised of four quarks, a new study posits.

  6. Physics

    When entering a black hole, fasten your seat belt

    Rapidly spinning black holes can generate turbulence, a new analysis shows.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Top 10 scientific mysteries for the 21st century

    Solving the Top 10 scientific mysteries facing the 21st century will not be all fun but could be mostly games.

  8. Physics

    How blueshift might beat redshift

    Even though the expanding universe makes light redder, light emitted by collapsing stars and dust clouds could appear unusually blue.

  9. Planetary Science

    Young asteroids generated long-lasting magnetism

    Pockets of iron and nickel in meteorites suggest that asteroids in the early solar system produced magnetic fields for much longer than once thought.

  10. Physics

    Speed of light not so constant after all

    Even in vacuum conditions, light can move slower than its maximum speed depending on the structure of its pulses.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Physicists debate whether quantum math is as real as atoms

    Physicists debate whether quantum states are as real as atoms or are just tools for forecasting phenomena.

  12. Materials Science

    Graphene’s allure becomes magnetic

    Single-atom-thick sheets of carbon called graphene can be magnetized with the help of an insulating magnet.
