
  1. Quantum Physics

    Finding quantum entanglement in a crowd

    Physicists have measured entanglement between pairs of photons within a macroscopic beam of light, a first step toward understanding how particles’ quantum connections lead to large-scale effects.

  2. Physics

    High-temperature superconductivity record awaits confirmation

    A hydrogen-sulfur compound under pressure may transport electrical current with no resistance at a record high temperature.

  3. Particle Physics

    Sam Ting tries to expose dark matter’s mysteries

    Particle physicist Sam Ting is applying a meticulous approach to analyzing positrons in space, testing whether they can reveal clues about dark matter.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Light trick can retrieve missed messages

    Even if photons pass you by, you can still snatch a signal from their electromagnetic wake, physicists propose.

  5. Physics

    Why lattes are less prone to spills than regular coffee

    Foam dampens liquids’ sloshing, keeping keeps lattes and beer from spilling so easily, researchers find.

  6. Quantum Physics

    Trying to get the down-low on gravity

    A twist on a classic quantum mechanics experiment could lead to the discovery of elusive gravitons.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Physicists double their teleportation power

    In a teleportation first, physicists transfer two quantum properties from one photon to another.

  8. Science & Society

    Enjoy scientific curios collected over decades

    Explore a modern scientist's curiosity cabinet.

  9. Science & Society

    ‘This Idea Must Die’ singles out scientific theories ready for retirement

    Researchers and writers weigh in on theories getting in the way of scientific progress in this collection of essays.

  10. Materials Science

    Old chemistry gives jolt to modern batteries

    Chemical reactions discovered in the 19th century improve the performance of futuristic batteries.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Quantum guessing game uses the future to predict the past

    Physicists extrapolate forward and backward in time to make accurate predictions about an object’s quantum state at a particular moment.

  12. Physics

    On the biomechanics of popcorn

    When popcorn pops, the biomechanics resemble both an explosion and a spring.
