
  1. Cosmology

    New sky map charts previously unknown gamma-ray sources

    A new map of the sky from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory charts the cosmic origins of high-energy photons.

  2. Quantum Physics

    Information is physical, even in quantum systems, study suggests

    A thermodynamic principle says that deleting information generates heat, and now, scientists say that goes for quantum systems, too.

  3. Physics

    Itty bitty engine puts a single atom to work

    Scientists have created a miniature heat engine out of a single atom.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Gamers outperform computer at quantum task

    Quantum mechanics may be weird, but a new video game shows that human intuition can still best computers at quantum tasks.

  5. Physics

    Turning water to steam, no boiling required

    A new material can convert water into steam with sunlight alone, and could be useful for making fresh water from salty.

  6. Oceans

    Readers question ocean health

    Ocean plastics, ant behavior, pollution solutions and more in reader feedback.

  7. Astronomy

    Possible source of high-energy neutrino reported

    Scientists may have found the cosmic birthplace of an ultra-high energy neutrino: a blazar 9 billion light years away.

  8. Physics

    Faint gravitational waves could soon be on LIGO’s radar

    In a few years, LIGO could detect hints of faint gravitational waves from black holes too far away to be seen directly.

  9. Physics

    New type of catalyst could aid hydrogen fuel

    A substance that can switch states might make an efficient catalyst for extracting hydrogen from water.

  10. Physics

    Like birds of a feather, sperm flock together

    Studies of sperm show that they swim in groups because of the elasticity of the mucus they travel through.

  11. Materials Science

    Playing with building blocks for metamaterial design

    Legos show promise as a low-cost method to assist scientists in developing novel metamaterials.

  12. Materials Science

    New process encourages ice to slip, slide away

    Researchers discover new process for making durable ice-phobic materials.
