
  1. Particle Physics

    Physicists find signs of four-neutron nucleus

    Strong evidence of a tetraneutron, an atomic nucleus with four neutrons but no protons, defies physicists’ theoretical expectations.

  2. Physics

    Nuclear fusion gets boost from private-sector startups

    Private-sector firms are creating nuclear fusion machines that may beat governments to the punch.

  3. Particle Physics

    Entanglement is spooky, but not action at a distance

    Recent experiments on quantum entanglement confirm that it’s spooky, but it was not, as Einstein implied, action at a distance.

  4. Particle Physics

    Quantum spookiness survives its toughest tests

    Recent experiments on quantum entanglement confirm that it’s spooky, but it was not, as Einstein implied, action at a distance.

  5. Chemistry

    Frozen oil droplets morph and shine

    Scientists can turn oil droplets into an array of crystalline shapes by manipulating the chemistry and temperature of the droplets’ surroundings.

  6. Quantum Physics

    Quantum histories get all tangled up

    Multiple versions of history may be quantum entangled just like particles, a new experiment suggests.

  7. Physics

    Early quark estimates not entirely realized

    Decades of research have shed a little light on quarks, the mysterious building blocks of atoms.

  8. Physics

    Physics’ metamorphosis explored in slim new book

    From ancient Greek philosophy to quantum mechanics, a new book charts the evolution of physics.

  9. Physics

    More details on Stephen Hawking’s solution to black hole problem

    Stephen Hawking and colleagues have finally provided more information about how black holes might preserve information.

  10. Physics

    At last, some details on Stephen Hawking’s solution to black hole problem

    Stephen Hawking and colleagues have finally provided more information about how black holes might preserve information.

  11. Chemistry

    Experiment offers glimpse at how to make hydrogen metallic

    A new phase of hydrogen could represent the stepping stone for transforming element 1 into a metal.

  12. Chemistry

    Experiment offers glimpse at how to make hydrogen metallic

    A new phase of hydrogen could represent the stepping stone for transforming element 1 into a metal.
