
  1. Astronomy

    Stephen Hawking finds the inner genius in ordinary people

    Ordinary people wrestle with big questions in science and philosophy in Genius, a new television series hosted by Stephen Hawking.

  2. Quantum Physics

    Physicists smash particle imitators

    A new quasiparticle collider smashes together the faux-particles that appear in solid materials.

  3. Particle Physics

    Large Hadron Collider starts its 2016 physics run

    Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider are taking data for the first time in 2016.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Communicating covertly goes quantum

    Researchers are working to make quantum messages that are undetectable.

  5. Particle Physics

    Readers ponder gravity wave physics

    Gravitational waves, the benefits of fat and more reader feedback.

  6. Particle Physics

    A weasel has shut down the Large Hadron Collider

    A tiny furball brought Earth’s most powerful particle accelerator to its knees this morning.

  7. Particle Physics

    Theorists perplexed by hints of unexpected new particle

    Hints of a potential new particle at the LHC have scientists excited, and theoretical physicists are beginning to converge on explanations.

  8. Cosmology

    New sky map charts previously unknown gamma-ray sources

    A new map of the sky from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory charts the cosmic origins of high-energy photons.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Information is physical, even in quantum systems, study suggests

    A thermodynamic principle says that deleting information generates heat, and now, scientists say that goes for quantum systems, too.

  10. Physics

    Itty bitty engine puts a single atom to work

    Scientists have created a miniature heat engine out of a single atom.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Gamers outperform computer at quantum task

    Quantum mechanics may be weird, but a new video game shows that human intuition can still best computers at quantum tasks.

  12. Physics

    Turning water to steam, no boiling required

    A new material can convert water into steam with sunlight alone, and could be useful for making fresh water from salty.
