Particle Physics
Dark matter still missing
The XENON100 experiment found no evidence of an annually varying dark matter signal.
New form of hydrogen created
Scientists have created negatively charged clusters of hydrogen for the first time.
‘Time Travel’ tours a fascinating fiction
James Gleick’s entertaining book Time Travel focuses more on fantasy than real science.
Antimatter hydrogen passes symmetry test
Antihydrogen atoms behave similarly to normal hydrogen atoms.
Year in review: Gravitational waves offer new cosmic views
The first direct detection of gravitational waves will open a new window on black holes and introduce a new era in astronomy.
Shadows of two failed searches loom over physics
Physicists are facing two failures this year with no detections of dark matter particles and no signs of supersymmetry from the Large Hadron Collider.
Quantum Physics
Vacuum’s quantum effect on light detected
Light can be polarized through interactions with empty space.
Materials Science
Graphene Silly Putty detects pitter-patter of spider footsteps
Sensor made of graphene and Silly Putty can detect pulse, breathing — and spider feet.
Third kind of quasicrystal found in Russian meteorite
A new quasicrystal found inside a Russian meteorite is the first ever found in nature before being synthesized in the lab.
Quantum Physics
Cosmic test confirms quantum weirdness
Physicists used starlight to perform a cosmic Bell test.
Despite lack of free electrons, bismuth superconducts
Bismuth conducts electricity with no resistance at temperatures near absolute zero, despite lack of mobile electrons.
Readers ponder hominid hookups and more
Neandertal evolution, quantum internet and more in reader feedback.