
  1. Physics

    The drama of Albert Einstein’s life unfolds in the new series Genius

    Science takes a back seat in National Geographic’s series Genius, which focuses more on politics and Albert Einstein’s love life.

  2. Particle Physics

    New particle probably can’t explain nuclear reactor neutrino mystery

    An antineutrino anomaly seems due to problems with scientists’ predictions, not sterile neutrinos.

  3. Chemistry

    New tech harvests drinking water from (relatively) dry air using only sunlight

    A prototype device harvests moisture from dry air and separates it into drinkable water using only sunlight.

  4. Physics

    Physics trips up efforts to keep shoelaces tied

    Loose laces are due to inertia and force of feet hitting the floor.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Readers question mental health research

    Maintaining mental health, protecting ocean critters and more in reader feedback.

  6. Astronomy

    Event Horizon Telescope to try to capture images of elusive black hole edge

    Network of radio observatories will attempt a first-ever glimpse at an event horizon.

  7. Materials Science

    Bone-inspired steel cracks less under pressure

    Steel that’s structured like bone resists cracks better that the traditional form of the heavy-duty building material.

  8. Quantum Physics

    Millions of atoms entangled in record-breaking quantum tests

    Scientists make advance in the quest to take quantum effects to larger scales.

  9. Particle Physics

    Readers question supernova physics

    Star-destroying neutrinos, heart-hugging robots and more in reader feedback.

  10. Particle Physics

    Large Hadron Collider experiment nabs five new particles

    LHCb experiment detects new particles composed of two strange quarks and one charm quark.

  11. Physics

    Single-atom magnets store bits of data

    Scientists read and write data by harnessing the magnetic properties of holmium atoms.

  12. Physics

    To understand rivers, let physics be your guide

    Where the River Flows unites physics and environmental science to explain Earth’s waterways.
