
  1. Particle Physics

    The search for mysterious dark matter underdogs steps up

    Dark matter particles called axions are finally being put to the test.

  2. Animals

    In a colony, king penguins behave like molecules in a 2-D liquid

    Positions of king penguins in a breeding colony resemble molecules in a 2-D liquid.

  3. Materials Science

    Toxic chemicals turn a new material from porous to protective

    A new material switches from a comfortable, breathable form to a sealed-up, protective state when exposed to dangerous chemicals.

  4. Science & Society

    How many scientists do you know in real life?

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute ponders about memorable scientists and how we can make it easier for people to connect to their work.

  5. Physics

    How physicists will remember Stephen Hawking

    Researchers reflect on Stephen Hawking's contributions to the field and the cosmological puzzles he left behind.

  6. Materials Science

    Eggshell nanostructure protects a chick and helps it hatch

    The nanoscale structure of a chicken eggshell changes to fulfill different functions as the egg incubates.

  7. Materials Science

    Live heart cells make this material shift color like a chameleon

    A new material made of heart cells from rats and hydrogel changes color as the living cells contract and relax.

  8. Astronomy

    Dark matter is MIA in this strange galaxy

    A galaxy without dark matter bolsters the case that the invisible substance really exists.

  9. Physics

    A single atom can gauge teensy electromagnetic forces

    The force of scattering particles of light was measured in zeptonewtons, a billionth of a trillionth of a newton.

  10. Life

    Earwigs take origami to extremes to fold their wings

    Stretchy joints let earwig wings flip quickly between folded and unfurled.

  11. Physics

    STEVE the aurora makes its debut in mauve

    A newly discovered type of aurora is a visible version of usually invisible charged particles drifting in the upper atmosphere.

  12. Plants

    Liverwort reproductive organ inspires pipette design

    A new pipette is inspired by a plant’s female reproductive structure.
