
  1. Physics

    Einstein’s general relativity reigns supreme, even on a galactic scale

    Scientists have made the most precise test of Einstein’s theory of gravity at great distances.

  2. Physics

    To combat an expanding universe, aliens could hoard stars

    An advanced alien civilization might combat the impact of dark energy by harvesting stars.

  3. Physics

    The Large Hadron Collider is getting an upgrade

    Revamping the accelerator’s equipment will increase the rate of proton collisions.

  4. Astronomy

    In 1968, scientists thought they were close to detecting gravity waves

    Despite an unverified discovery in 1968, spacetime ripples remained elusive for nearly 50 years.

  5. Physics

    This heavy element has a football-shaped atomic nucleus

    Three nobelium isotopes have oblong nuclei, and some sport a ‘bubble’ center.

  6. Physics

    In her short life, mathematician Emmy Noether changed the face of physics

    A century after she published a groundbreaking mathematical theory, Emmy Noether gets her due.

  7. Science & Society

    So what do you know about Emmy Noether?

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses physicist Emmy Noether and women being underrepresented in science fields.

  8. Astronomy

    The sun shrinks a teensy bit when it’s feeling active

    The radius of the sun gets slightly smaller during periods of high solar activity, researchers say.

  9. Tech

    A new 3-D printer builds temporary electronics on your skin

    A new 3-D printer that tracks and compensates for your slightest twitch can precisely print simple electronic devices onto your skin.

  10. Particle Physics

    If real, dark fusion could help demystify this physics puzzle

    Fusing dark matter particles might explain why galaxy cores have evenly distributed dark matter.

  11. Particle Physics

    Mysterious neutrino surplus hints at the existence of new particles

    Neutrinos show up in greater numbers than expected in an experiment, possibly bolstering the idea of a fourth type of the particle.

  12. Astronomy

    A neutron star crash may have spawned a black hole

    The neutron collision that took the astronomical community by storm last year probably created a black hole, researchers say.
