
  1. Physics

    Groundbreaking ways of manipulating light win trio the 2018 physics Nobel

    Three scientists, including the third woman to win a physics Nobel, are honored for their laser inventions.

  2. Particle Physics

    Hints of weird particles from space may defy physicists’ standard model

    Signals from the ANITA experiment don’t square with the properties of elementary particles cataloged in the standard model.

  3. Materials Science

    This reflective paint could keep sunbaked buildings cool

    A new type of polymer coating that reflects sunlight to control heat could supplement or replace air conditioning systems.

  4. Animals

    Manta rays have an unusual mouth filter that resists clogging

    Manta rays filter feed differently than other ocean creatures.

  5. Genetics

    Ibrahim Cissé unlocks cells’ secrets using physics

    Biophysicist Ibrahim Cissé finds clues in raindrops and morning dew about how genes are activated.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Lisa Manning describes the physics of how cells move

    Physicist Lisa Manning probes how physical forces influence cell behavior in asthma and other conditions.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Douglas Stanford probes the chaos inside black holes

    Theoretical physicist Douglas Stanford is linking some of the most massive objects known to the quantum realm.

  8. Materials Science

    High-tech ‘skins’ turn everyday objects into robots

    Robotic skins turn inanimate objects into multipurpose machines.

  9. Particle Physics

    Three new physics experiments could revamp the standard model

    New experiments that rely on very large machines have begun to probe the weak points of particle physics.

  10. Science & Society

    Readers focus on fake news, neutrinos, and more

    Readers pondered how to effectively combat fake news, questioned the result of a clinical trial, and wanted to know more about neutrinos.

  11. Science & Society

    Building big experiments to study very little things

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses our behind the scenes look at the giant equipment used to study the smallest bits of matter.

  12. Particle Physics

    Early tests pave the way for a giant neutrino detector

    A prototype detector demonstrates the technology needed for the DUNE experiment.
