
  1. Space

    A weird cosmic flare called the ‘Cow’ now has company

    Scientists have now found three similar luminous, short-lived bursts of light, part of a class known as fast blue optical transients.

  2. Physics

    A star shredded by a black hole may have spit out an extremely energetic neutrino

    A star’s fatal encounter with a black hole might have produced a neutrino with oomph.

  3. Quantum Physics

    Physicists exploit a quantum rule to create a new kind of crystal

    Cold atoms can form crystals as a result of the Pauli exclusion principle.

  4. Physics

    Physicists have found a way to foil a classic oobleck science trick

    Cornstarch and water solidifies under impact, but a new technique can make it remain a liquid.

  5. Space

    The closest black hole to Earth may have been spotted 1,000 light-years away

    What appears to be the closest black hole to the solar system shares orbits with two massive stars, a new study finds.

  6. Physics

    50 years ago, superconductors started feeling the pressure

    Today, high-pressure superconductors are a hot topic. 50 years ago, scientists were just starting to explore the possibilities.

  7. Physics

    A newfound superconducting current travels only along a material’s edge

    In a first, scientists spot electricity flowing without resistance on the rim of a topological superconductor.

  8. Physics

    Scientists ‘strummed’ a molecule’s chemical bonds like guitar strings

    Scientists dragged an atomic force microscope tip, with a single carbon monoxide molecule dangling from it, across a chemical bond.

  9. Physics

    Gravitational waves have revealed the first unevenly sized black hole pair

    For the first time, LIGO and Virgo scientists spotted gravitational waves produced when one big black hole merged with a smaller one.

  10. Physics

    A star orbiting the Milky Way’s giant black hole confirms Einstein was right

    An oddity previously seen in Mercury’s orbit has been spotted in a star circling the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center.

  11. Quantum Physics

    New quantum computers can operate at higher temperatures

    Silicon chips operate at higher temperatures than many others, raising hopes for building quantum integrated circuits.

  12. Physics

    Stephen Wolfram’s hypergraph project aims for a fundamental theory of physics

    Simple rules generating complicated networks may be how to build the universe.
