
  1. Particle Physics

    Physicists dream big with an idea for a particle collider on the moon

    A lunar particle collider that dwarfs any such facility on Earth might not be impossible, according to new calculations.

  2. Physics

    Auroras form when electrons from space ride waves in Earth’s magnetic field

    New lab results confirm that auroras are triggered by disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field called Alfvén waves.

  3. Physics

    Nuclear clocks could outdo atomic clocks as the most precise timepieces

    Better clocks could improve technologies that depend on them, such as GPS navigation, and help test fundamental ideas of physics.

  4. Animals

    The teeth of ‘wandering meatloaf’ contain a rare mineral found only in rocks

    The hard, magnetic teeth of the world’s largest chiton contain nanoparticles of santabarbaraite, a mineral never seen before in biology.

  5. Planetary Science

    Laser experiments suggest helium rain falls on Jupiter

    Compressing a hydrogen and helium mixture with lasers shows that the two elements separate at pressures found within gas giant planets.

  6. Particle Physics

    In a first, neutrinos were caught interacting at the Large Hadron Collider

    Despite the LHC’s fame, all its detectors were oblivious to neutrinos. But not anymore.

  7. Astronomy

    Record-breaking light has more than a quadrillion electron volts of energy

    Hundreds of newly detected gamma rays hint at cosmic environments that accelerate particles to extremes.

  8. Physics

    A newfound quasicrystal formed in the first atomic bomb test

    Material formed in the wake of the first atomic bomb test contains a strange material that is ordered but that is not a standard crystal.

  9. Astronomy

    A study of Earth’s crust hints that supernovas aren’t gold mines

    Supernovas aren’t the main source of gold, silver and other heavy elements, a study of deep-sea crust suggests.

  10. Materials Science

    Morphing noodles start flat but bend into curly pasta shapes as they’re cooked

    Shape-shifting pasta could potentially cut down on packaging and save space during shipping.

  11. Physics

    A clock’s accuracy may be tied to the entropy it creates

    A clock made from a thin, wiggling membrane releases more entropy, or disorder, as it becomes more accurate.

  12. Particle Physics

    The thickness of lead’s neutron ‘skin’ has been precisely measured

    At 0.28 trillionths of a millimeter thick, the shell of neutrons around the nucleus of an atom of lead is a bit thicker than physicists had predicted.
