
  1. Physics

    Insects in the wind lead to less power

    A previously puzzling pattern of power loss in wind turbines results from coatings of insects that were smashed by the blades during low winds.

  2. Physics

    Turning magnetic resonance inside out

    A new method of manipulating magnetic signals makes it possible to gather useful information about a chemical sample—or perhaps one day a person—without often-claustrophobic confinement inside a magnetic coil.

  3. Physics

    Quantum queerness gets quick, compact

    New ways to trap and cool atoms may hasten practical uses of strange ultracold atom clouds known as Bose-Einstein condensates.

  4. Materials Science

    Environment’s stuck with nonstick coatings

    Some nonstick coatings such as Teflon break down at high temperatures into undesirable compounds that persist in the environment.

  5. Materials Science

    Titanium dioxide hogs the spotlight

    Researchers have created new coatings that break down toxins and keep mirrors from fogging when the materials are exposed to visible light.

  6. Physics

    Antimatter mystery transcends new data

    The discovery of a disparity in decays of subatomic particles known as B mesons and anti-B mesons sheds light on how matter and antimatter differ but deepens the mystery of why matter predominates in the universe today.

  7. Physics

    Physics Bedrock Cracks, Sun Shines In

    The first data from a new Canadian detector of particles called neutrinos not only resolve a 30-year-old puzzle about how the sun works, but also revise estimates of mysterious "dark" matter in the universe and strengthen a key challenge to the prevailing theory of particle physics.

  8. Physics

    New probe zooms in on midgets of magnetism

    A new microscope for peering at magnetic materials provides the first glimpses of how such materials behave on a scale of only tens of atoms.

  9. Materials Science

    Scientists get a handle on crystal shape

    Researchers have discovered how the orientation of amino acid molecules can make a growing crystal take on either a right- or a left-handed form.

  10. Physics

    Pitching Science

    A new computer model of baseball pitching helps give pitching robots humanlike abilities and may have enabled engineers to solve a half-century-old puzzle of baseball science.

  11. Physics

    Stretching and twisting a bright idea

    A new, stretchy type of liquid-crystal component makes it possible to change a laser's color by simply pulling on the membrane—a much easier, cheaper means of adjustment than that used for today's complex and expensive tunable lasers.

  12. Physics

    In a squeeze, nitrogen gets chunky

    Remarkable already for being a semiconductor and, perhaps, an explosive, a new, solid form of nitrogen made by crushing the ordinary gas to the highest pressures ever also stands out because it continues to survive when the pressure is released.
