
  1. Physics

    Super Conductors

    Materials that conduct electricity without resistance are known as superconductors. Explore the basic physics and potential applications of these fascinating materials at the American Physical Society’s Physics Central Web site. Go to:

  2. Materials Science

    Wiregate: Metallic picket fence flips magnetic bits

    Rather than relegate magnetic fields to the usual backup role of data storage for computers, a new microcircuit exploits those fields for computation, possibly leading to cheaper, lower-power chips than traditional electronic ones.

  3. Physics

    Voyager spacecraft still buffeted by sun

    Even though the two Voyager probes launched in 1977 passed the outermost planets in our solar system more than a decade ago, their sensors show that they can't yet outrun the influence of solar flares.

  4. Physics

    Old data yield new signs of extra force

    Several experimental findings that conflict with predictions of the prevailing standard model of particle physics suggest that nature may include another force beyond the four known ones.

  5. Physics

    Catch a Wave

    Detection of gravitational waves predicted by Einstein's 1916 general theory of relativity may finally occur, thanks to a new generation of laser-based observatories.

  6. Materials Science

    Tiny gems on steps find future in films

    The discovery of diamond-crystal seeds on steps in silicon may lead to long-sought, large wafers of pure, single-crystal diamond for electronics and other uses.

  7. Physics

    Electrical superball pulls itself together

    A strong electric field can drive tiny particles of a superconductor to bind themselves together into a remarkably sturdy ball.

  8. Physics

    Matter waves: Be fruitful and multiply

    For the first time, physicists induced atoms to amplify a selected matter wave in a manner analogous to a cascade of photons amplifying the characteristic electromagnetic wave of an optical laser.

  9. Materials Science

    Impurity clouds from all sides now

    For the first time, scientists have obtained detailed, three-dimensional images of line defects in steel.

  10. Materials Science

    Small-scale glues stick to surfaces

    Tailored molecular glues can connect together tiny particles for nanotechnology applications.

  11. Physics

    Time’s arrow may make U-turns in universe

    Time may run backwards for isolated chunks of matter in our universe and that reversed state could be probed gently from the forward-going realm without disturbing the time arrow.

  12. Physics

    Computers Crunch Quantum Collisions

    Physicists have mathematically described what happens when an electron collides with a hydrogen atom, accomplishing a longstanding goal.
