
  1. Materials Science

    Water Repellency Goes Nano: Carpet of carbon nanotubes cleans itself

    Forests of carbon nanotubes coated with Teflon yield a superhydrophobic material—the ultimate self-cleaning surface.

  2. Physics

    New type of material that heat can’t bloat

    A newfound material exhibits the desirable property of not expanding when heated over a wide temperature range, but from an apparent cause never seen before—electrons changing positions inside the new compound's crystal structure.

  3. Physics

    Shedding Light on the Infrared

    For students and teachers, this NASA-sponsored Web site offers illuminating insights into infrared light. It explains the fundamentals of infrared astronomy, using animations, images, classroom lessons and activities, games, and more. Take a look at infrared views of familiar objects, from Yellowstone’s “Old Faithful” geyser to a pot-bellied pig. Go to:

  4. Physics

    A Spin through Space-Time

    After 40 years of preparation, satellite Gravity Probe B is scheduled to launch next month and test the prediction that massive bodies, such as Earth, twist space itself as they rotate.

  5. Physics

    Super Spinner: Seven-atom speck acts like superfluid

    Scientists have for the first time directly observed the onset in liquid helium of superfluidity—a quantum-mechanical state in which liquids flow without friction—as helium atoms accumulated one by one to form a droplet of liquid around a gas molecule.

  6. Physics

    New Quarktet: Subatomic oddity hints at pentaparticle family

    Evidence for the second particle ever found to include five of the fundamental building blocks known as quarks and antiquarks suggests that a whole family of such so-called pentaquarks exists.

  7. Physics

    Cassini confirms Einstein’s theory

    En route to a 2004 rendezvous with Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft has verified a key prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity to an accuracy 50 times better than that of previous measurements.

  8. Physics

    Hot Crystal

    In seeming violation of one of the laws of physics, a new type of metal microstructure promises to lead to far more efficient incandescent light bulbs and also to boost the development of light-based microcircuits and heat-to-electricity generators.

  9. Materials Science

    A Soft Touch: Imaging technique reveals hidden atoms

    Researchers have devised a new imaging technique for visualizing every carbon atom in the basic unit of graphite.

  10. Materials Science

    Charging cartilage

    A hybrid material made of biodegradable polymers and carbon nanotubes yields an optimal scaffold for growing cartilage.

  11. Materials Science

    Soft spheres yield photonic structures

    A novel technique for patterning light-guiding channels through photonic crystals made of hydrogel nanoparticles may lead to faster, all-optical telecommunications technologies.

  12. Materials Science

    Molecular Memory: Carbon-nanotube device stores data in molecules

    Scientists have created a memory device in which data are encoded in switching molecules called catenanes that are attached to a carbon nanotube.
