
  1. Physics

    Silk and soap settle a century-old flap

    The leading explanation for why flags flap in the breeze has run afoul of new experimental findings.

  2. Physics

    Piddly Puddle Peril: Little water pools foil road friction

    Physicists have proposed an explanation for how even slight wetness can cut road-to-rubber friction.

  3. Physics

    Particle hunt off, collider comes down

    Despite tantalizing, last-minute hints of a long-sought, mass-giving particle called the Higgs boson, dismantling of the Large Electron-Positron collider has begun.

  4. Physics

    Hot little levers write beaucoup bits

    Arrays of microscopic tips may offer a way to pack digital data more tightly and transfer it more quickly than is possible with magnetic hard disks.

  5. Physics

    Light step toward quantum networks

    During the transfer of a quantum data bit from matter to light, a cloud of extremely cold atoms emitted a photon carrying a version of the cloud's quantum state.

  6. Physics

    When all is a spin, calm is dragged in

    When laboratory vortices are mixed to create the equivalent of a tornado in a hurricane, the "hurricane" may gobble up spots of calm from the outside world.

  7. Materials Science

    Making Stuff Last

    Chemistry and materials science step up to preserve history, old and new.

  8. Materials Science

    Electronics Detox: Leadfree material for ecofriendly gadgetry

    Responding to growing concern over the disposal of electronic devices, scientists in Japan have created a lead-free piezoceramic that could replace the toxic components in many of these gadgets.

  9. Materials Science

    Metal Makeover

    Metallic glasses with extraordinary strength and corrosion resistance have been known for decades, but only recently have researchers been able to make such alloys on a large scale from inexpensive iron.

  10. Materials Science

    Anyone want to knit a microscopic sweater?

    Microscopic polymer tubes can tangle themselves into a new and possibly useful structure—tiny "yarn balls" that flatten out and partly unravel in an electric field.

  11. Physics

    Graphite in Flatland: Carbon sheets may rival nanotubes

    Researchers have created freestanding carbon films as thin as one atom.

  12. Physics

    Dancing the heat away

    By laser-zapping nanocapsules of water, scientists find that the specific molecular motions caused by the excitation, not just simple heat diffusion, determine how energy and heat flow through such minuscule structures.
