Easy Answers: Quantum computer gives results without running
Quantum physics enables a computer to arrive at correct answers without actually running, a new experiment shows.
By Peter Weiss -
Smashing Success: Accelerator gets cool upgrade
A novel scheme for increasing the number of collisions in particle accelerators has boosted the performance of the world's highest-energy collider.
By Peter Weiss -
Materials Science
Mother-of-Pearl on Ice: New ceramics might serve in bones and machines
Ceramics made by freezing water in an unusual way mimic not only the complicated microstructure of mother-of-pearl but also its extraordinary strength and toughness.
By Peter Weiss -
Materials Science
Engineering membranes from cellular parts
Chemists have for the first time spun the molecules that make up cellular membranes into fibrous networks.
Thermonuclear Squeeze: Altered method extends bubble-fusion claim
A technique that some scientists claim generates thermonuclear fusion in a benchtop apparatus apparently works even without its controversial neutron trigger.
By Peter Weiss -
Materials Science
Making waves
Scientists have created thin, wavy silicon ribbons that stretch along with their rubber backing.
Quantum Chip: Device handles ions as if they were data
A new microchip can trap and move an ion, preliminary steps toward carrying out quantum computations on a chip.
By Peter Weiss -
Magnetic Overthrow
Researchers have discovered and begun to exploit a fundamentally new way to exert magnetic influences, at least on extremely small scales.
By Peter Weiss -
Physicists made a stable, doughnut-shaped air bubble in water by encasing the gas ring in beads that form a stiff shell.
By Peter Weiss -
Instant Nano Blocks: One-step process makes trillions of DNA pyramids
Researchers have unveiled a three-dimensional building component that can be created from DNA in a simple procedure.
By Peter Weiss -
Shadows of Reality
If you’re curious about different ways of viewing the fourth dimension, this Web site provides some intriguing glimpses of this strange realm. The site was created by New York artist Tony Robbin in advance of the publication of his book, Shadows of Reality, on the fourth dimension in relativity, cubism, and modern thought. The site […]
By Science News -
Materials Science
Atom Hauler: Molecular rig snags multi-atom loads
Specialists in atomic-scale construction can now use a new molecule to gather small groups of atoms and drop them, as clusters, at specific locations.
By Peter Weiss