
  1. Physics

    Martian lightning

    The Red Planet’s dust devils charge up particles, providing first direct evidence of this type of electrical discharge on Mars.

  2. Physics

    Microswimmers make a splash

    Researchers study secrets of microbes' locomotion and how to mimic that movement.

  3. Computing

    Asia: One reason America can’t afford to jettison good teachers

    Asia appears to prize science and tech education far more than America does, and the result may be a waning of the West's economic and entrepreneurial dominance.

  4. Tech

    Proposed quantum motor runs with a kick

    Scientists suggest a way to put ultracold atoms to work.

  5. Physics

    Shifting nanoparticles cause creep

    Study investigates how concrete deforms over time

  6. Chemistry

    Laser makes uphill battle easier

    Researchers have used a femtosecond laser to etch tiny channels into metal plates, prompting liquid to flow uphill.

  7. Plants

    How maple fruits fall

    A new study analyzes the features that help maple seeds stay airborne.

  8. Physics

    Friction gives snakes a smooth slither

    Combination of friction and push propels snakes forward on flat surfaces.

  9. Physics

    Mechanical systems all tangled up

    Researchers link the motion of two ion pairs through “spooky action at a distance.”

  10. Chemistry

    Beryllium-beryllium bond illuminated

    Scientists study the partnership between two atoms of beryllium, which chemical theory says shouldn’t exist.

  11. Physics

    Europium’s superconductivity demonstrated

    A rare earth metal is the 53rd naturally occurring element to possess the property.

  12. Physics

    Molecule turns red at breaking point

    Materials made with a color-changing molecule may offer a red signal when under stress.
