
  1. Physics

    We could get messages back from spacecraft sent through a wormhole

    A simulation of a probe sent to the other side of a wormhole shows it could send speedy messages back before the hole closes and the probe is lost.

  2. Space

    Humans haven’t set foot on the moon in 50 years. That may soon change

    In 1972, the era of crewed missions to the moon came to an end. Fifty years later, a new one has begun.

  3. Life

    These science discoveries from 2022 could be game changers

    Gophers that farm, the earliest known hominid, a strange hybrid monkey and the W boson's mass are among the findings awaiting more evidence.

  4. Physics

    In a breakthrough experiment, nuclear fusion finally makes more energy than it uses

    The sun creates energy through nuclear fusion. Now scientists have too, in a controlled lab experiment, raising hopes for developing clean energy.

  5. Physics

    50 years ago, physicists found the speed of light

    In the 1970s, scientists set a new maximum speed limit for light. Fifty years later, they continue putting light through its paces.

  6. Astronomy

    A new supercomputer simulation animates the evolution of the universe

    The detailed simulation shows the cosmos changing from a dark, featureless gas to a web of stars and galaxies radiating light.

  7. Physics

    Physicists explain how to execute a nearly splashless dive

    A pocket of air lets elite divers pull off the rip entry, breaking through the water without sending it flying.

  8. Physics

    How physics can improve the urinal

    Urinals built with curves like those in nautilus shells eliminate the splash-back common with conventional commodes.

  9. Plants

    Why dandelion seeds are so good at spreading widely

    Individual seeds on a dandelion flower are programmed to let go for a specific wind direction, allowing them to spread widely as the wind shifts.

  10. Physics

    Zapping tiny metal drops with sound creates wires for soft electronics

    Wearable medical devices and stretchable displays could benefit from a way to use high-frequency sound to create liquid metal wires.

  11. Physics

    Crowdsourced cell phone data could keep bridges safe and strong

    Accelerometers and GPS sensors in smartphones could provide frequent, real-time data on bridge vibrations, and alert engineers to changes in integrity

  12. Animals

    Here’s how polar bears might get traction on snow

    Microstructures on the Arctic animals’ paws might offer extra friction that keeps them from slipping on snow, a new study reports.
