
  1. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    Groovy snake bites, buzzy microphones and coiling liquids in this week’s news.

  2. Tech

    Nanotubes coming to a screen near you

    New technology promises brighter, bigger display screens that use less energy.

  3. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    Marijuana loses its high, plus soy tape, gritty bubbles and more in this week’s news.

  4. Physics

    Salt clouds relieve some Arctic warming

    Sea sprays from increasingly open waters exert a cooling effect in the region.

  5. Physics

    Scientists see the one-way light

    Nonlinear materials that allow directional discrimination of waves could be used to make components for light-based computers.

  6. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    A quantum state is teleported, plus twisty light and foamy graphene in this week's news.

  7. Physics

    Time travel nixed in metamaterial world

    A desktop universe captures essential properties of the real thing.

  8. Physics

    How bicycles keep the rubber on the road

    An international collaboration tries to explain the surprising stability of two-wheeled travel.

  9. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    3-D effects without the glasses, plus portable X-rays and linking qubits in this week’s news.

  10. Physics

    Screwy symmetry revealed

    Math trick that reverses spirals and other shapes that twist and turn should provide new ways to understand and design materials.

  11. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    A new way to fold a paper bag, plus good apples and designer silk in this week’s news.

  12. Physics

    Remodeling the standard model

    Physicists could be on the verge of discovering a new elementary particle, studies at a U.S. accelerator suggest.
