
  1. Physics

    Neutrino parents call into question faster-than-light results

    The particles’ precursor doesn’t have enough energy to produce the speeds reported.

  2. Physics

    Tantalizing hints of long-sought particle

    Europe’s LHC collider finds traces of what could be the Higgs boson, a theoretical entity that explains why matter has mass.

  3. Chemistry

    Plastic isn’t over yet

    A tough new form of the 20th century’s signature polymer could extend its usefulness and make it more recyclable.

  4. Physics

    Metallic hydrogen makes its debut, maybe

    German scientists claim to have squeezed the gas into a liquid that could have multiple applications.

  5. Physics

    Superconductor may hide long-sought secret

    It conducts electricity without resistance, sure; but a new material could also demonstrate the existence of a particle proposed 70 years ago.

  6. Physics

    The sound of screech

    Auditory experts decipher the blood-curdling nature of fingernails on a chalkboard.

  7. Physics

    Laser analysis betrays diamonds’ origins

    A new spectroscopy technique could be used to identify gemstones mined in war zones.

  8. Physics

    The Ultimate Clock

    Keeping precise time on the universe’s scale.

  9. Physics

    Sweet beams: Lasers to measure blood sugar

    Cutting-edge use of light might someday prove useful in gauging diabetics’ glucose levels.

  10. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    An atom steps in as a mirror, ladybug chemical weapons and more in this week's news.

  11. Physics

    Neutrinos seen to fly faster than light

    Though few physicists expect it to withstand scrutiny, confirmation of the observation would shake physics to its core.

  12. Chemistry

    Molecular muscle gets the job done

    Chemists solve a stubborn problem by resorting to strong-arm tactics.
