
  1. Physics

    With discovery of the Higgs, science can celebrate math’s power to probe nature

  2. Physics

    Essay: Nature’s secrets foretold

    Higgs discovery celebrates math's power to make predictions about the real world.

  3. Physics

    Higgs found

    The Higgs boson, the last particle in physics’ standard model, falls into place, opening new windows to explore in the universe.

  4. Physics

    CMS spokesman: ‘We’ve observed a new particle’

    A video on the CERN website confirms the existence of a heavy boson matching the description of the Higgs.

  5. Particle Physics

    The Higgs Boson Search

    Rumors — and excitement — have escalated about the latest news on the search for the Higgs boson, a particle that may explain why matter has mass.

  6. Particle Physics

    Physicists bet they’re homing in on Higgs

    In its last report, an Illinois lab presents data suggesting the Higgs particle could exist.

  7. Physics

    Old battery gets a high-tech makeover

    Redesigned nickel-iron battery gives modern lithium-ion devices a run for their money.

  8. Physics

    Bubble universes give new perspective to time’s origin and its arrow

  9. Particle Physics

    Physicists on alert for Higgs announcement

    New data on hunt for elusive Higgs boson to be presented at Australia conference.

  10. Materials Science

    Sensitive Matter: Foams, Gels, Liquid Crystals, and Other Miracles by Michel Mitov

  11. Physics

    The electric flour voltage test

    Granular materials give off a zap just before slipping, a finding with potential implications for sensing the starts of silo disasters or earthquakes.

  12. Chemistry

    Flerovium and livermorium debut on periodic table

    New element names honor the contributions of Russian and American laboratories.
