
  1. Particle Physics

    Nobel’s sharp cuts

    Gerald Guralnik was home when he learned online that physicists François Englert and Peter Higgs had won the Nobel Prize in physics for formulating the same theory he had proposed nearly 50 years ago.

  2. Physics

    New limit placed on physics constant

    An analysis of how much the fine structure constant varies with the density of matter may help scientists determine whether the parameter changes with time.

  3. Chemistry

    Crystal-crystal contact makes quasicrystal

  4. Physics

    ‘Magic number’ 34

    Guest post by Gabriel Popkin.

  5. Chemistry

    Simulating reactions in cyberspace earns Nobel Prize in chemistry

    Computer models that meld quantum and classical calculations have earned three scientists the 2013 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

  6. Particle Physics

    Higgs owes his Nobel to an editor and a biologist

  7. Physics

    Proton-boron nuclear fusion returns to spotlight

    A technique can fuse nuclei without producing harmful neutrons, but it is far from being power plant–ready.

  8. Particle Physics

    Higgs field prediction lands Nobel Prize in physics

    The famous particle’s detection last year confirmed the laureates’ 1964 proposal.

  9. Particle Physics

    Higgs boson wins scientists Nobel Prize in physics

    By Andrew Grant and Gabriel Popkin.

  10. Physics

    Top 10 physicists with no Nobel

    While a lot of people are busy predicting who will win Nobel Prizes this week, it would be easier to predict who won’t get the physics prize because they’re dead and therefore no longer eligible. Plus there are those who deserve it and are still alive but probably won’t get it because the Nobel guys don’t seem to like theorists very much.

  11. Particle Physics

    Higgs boson’s effects on universe boosted

  12. Astronomy

    Tiny sphere bends light like a black hole does

    Previously seen at the megascale, gravitational lensing goes micro.
