Particle Physics

  1. Particle Physics

    KATRIN experiment readies for quest to find neutrino’s mass

    The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment, or KATRIN, has begun taking test data in its effort to measure the mass of neutrinos.

  2. Particle Physics

    Evidence for new form of matter-antimatter asymmetry observed

    Particles known as baryons show their first hints of antimatter-matter discrepancies.

  3. Particle Physics

    Supersymmetry’s absence at LHC puzzles physicists

    Accelerator experiments find no evidence to support popular particle physics theory known as supersymmetry.

  4. Particle Physics

    New data give clearer picture of Higgs boson

    Scientists are carefully measuring the Higgs boson’s properties.

  5. Particle Physics

    Cooling stars hint at dark matter particles

    Stars that cool faster than expected can be explained by hypothetical particles called axions.

  6. Particle Physics

    Bottom quarks misbehave in LHC experiment

    Bottom quarks fly off at an angle more often than expected in new data from the LHC.

  7. Particle Physics

    Upon further review, suspected new particle vanishes

    Hints of a new particle at the LHC have disappeared.

  8. Particle Physics

    Latest search for dark matter comes up empty

    Scientists continue to come up empty-handed in the search for dark matter. The latest effort from the LUX experiment found no evidence for dark matter.

  9. Particle Physics

    Three cousins join family of four-quark particles

    Scientists with the Large Hadron Collider’s LHCb experiment report three new particles and confirm a fourth.

  10. Particle Physics

    Hints of new particle rumored to fade, but data analysis continues

    It’s still too early to know whether hints of a new particle are real, CERN scientists say.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Physicists smash particle imitators

    A new quasiparticle collider smashes together the faux-particles that appear in solid materials.

  12. Particle Physics

    Large Hadron Collider starts its 2016 physics run

    Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider are taking data for the first time in 2016.
