
  1. Paleontology

    Pterosaurs may have been able to fly as soon as they hatched

    A fossil analysis shows the flying reptile hatchlings had a stronger bone crucial for lift-off that adults and shorter, broader wings for agility.

  2. Paleontology

    Insects had flashy, noise-making wings as early as 310 million years ago

    The structure of a grasshopper-like insect’s fossilized wing suggests it crackled and reflected light, perhaps to attract mates or warn off predators.

  3. Paleontology

    Fossilized dung from a dinosaur ancestor yields a new beetle species

    Whole beetles preserved in fossilized poo suggest that ancient droppings may deserve a closer look.

  4. Paleontology

    For some dinosaurs, the Arctic may have been a great place to raise a family

    Fossils of baby dinosaur remains found in northern Alaska challenge the idea that some dinosaurs spent only summers in the Arctic.

  5. Paleontology

    An ancient creature thought to be a teeny dinosaur turns out to be a lizard

    CT scans of hummingbird-sized specimens trapped in amber reveal that the 99-million-year-old fossils have a number of lizardlike features.

  6. Paleontology

    Something mysteriously wiped out about 90 percent of sharks 19 million years ago

    Deep sediments beneath the Pacific Ocean revealed a mystery: a massive shark die-off with no obvious cause.

  7. Paleontology

    T. rex’s incredible biting force came from its stiff lower jaw

    T. rex could generate incredibly strong bite forces thanks to a boomerang-shaped bone that stiffened the lower jaw, a new analysis suggests.

  8. Paleontology

    ‘Monkeydactyl’ may be the oldest known creature with opposable thumbs

    A newly discovered pterosaur that lived during the Jurassic Period could have used its flexible digits to climb trees like a monkey.

  9. Paleontology

    The dinosaur-killing asteroid impact radically altered Earth’s tropical forests

    The asteroid impact fundamentally reset the nature of Earth’s tropical rainforests, decreasing diversity at first and making them permanently darker.

  10. Paleontology

    An ancient shark’s weird fins helped it glide like a manta ray

    Nicknamed eagle shark, the newly discovered ancient creature achieved underwater flight 30 million years before the first rays.

  11. Paleontology

    An ancient hippo-sized reptile may have been surprisingly agile

    The skull of an Anteosaurus, a hefty reptile with a large snout, hints that it may have moved fast for its day.

  12. Paleontology

    Predatory octopuses were drilling into clamshells at least 75 million years ago

    Holes found in ancient clams reveal that octopuses have been drilling into their prey for at least 25 million years longer than was previously known.
