
  1. Paleontology

    Fossils reveal that pterosaurs puked pellets

    Fish scale–filled pellets found by two pterosaurs are the first fossil evidence the flying reptiles regurgitated undigestible food, like some modern birds.

  2. Paleontology

    See stunning fossils of insects, fish and plants from an ancient Australian forest

    Thousands of fossils at an Australian site show a rare glimpse into the continent’s wetter history over 11 million years ago.

  3. Paleontology

    This dinosaur had a weapon shaped like an Aztec war club on its tail

    The flat and spiky tail club of a newly discovered ankylosaur was unique, even for this often weirdly armored group of dinosaurs.

  4. Paleontology

    ‘Penis worms’ may have been the original hermits

    Soft-bodied critters called penis worms inhabited abandoned shells — a la modern-day hermit crabs — by about 500 million years ago, a study suggests.

  5. Paleontology

    Some dinosaurs may have lived in herds as early as 193 million years ago

    A fossilized family gathering of long-necked Mussaurus may be the earliest evidence yet of herd behavior in dinosaurs.

  6. Animals

    Giant ground sloths may have been meat-eating scavengers

    Contrary to previous assumptions, at least one ancient giant ground sloth was a meat eater.

  7. Earth

    A volcano-induced rainy period made Earth’s climate dinosaur-friendly

    New physical evidence links eruptions 234 million to 232 million years ago to climate changes that let dinosaurs start their climb to dominance.

  8. Paleontology

    This is the oldest fossil evidence of spider moms taking care of their young

    A spider trapped in amber 99 million years ago guarded her eggs and may have helped raise her young.

  9. Paleontology

    Fossil tracks may reveal an ancient elephant nursery

    Fossilized footprints at a site in Spain include those of an extinct elephant’s newborns, suggesting the animals may have used the area as a nursery.

  10. Humans

    Fossils and ancient DNA paint a vibrant picture of human origins

    Paleoanthropologists have sketched a rough timeline of how human evolution played out, centering the early action in Africa.

  11. Paleontology

    This big-headed pterosaur may have preferred walking over flying

    The most intact fossil of a tapejarid pterosaur ever found yields new insight into how the ancient reptile lived.

  12. Paleontology

    How fossilization preserved a 310-million-year-old horseshoe crab’s brain

    A 310-million-year-old horseshoe crab’s brain was preserved in clay, thanks to an uncommon fossilization process that protected the fragile neural tissues.
