
  1. Paleontology

    New tyrannosaur bridges gap from medium to monstrous

    Horse-sized Timurlengia euotica had a brain and ears like its bigger relative Tyrannosaurus rex, which lived millions of years later.

  2. Paleontology

    Free virtual fossils for everyone archives 3-D images of bones from over 200 genera of both living and extinct animals.

  3. Paleontology

    Lizards locked in amber provide clues to reptile evolution

    Amber-encased lizard remains that date to 99 million years ago may shed light on the evolution of geckos and chameleons.

  4. Paleontology

    Fossil reveals an ancient arthropod’s nervous system

    A roughly 520-million-year-old fossil preserved an ancient arthropod’s ventral nerve cord and peripheral nerves.

  5. Animals

    The dodo was no dummy

    Dodos may have been quite smart, 3-D skull scans suggest.

  6. Paleontology

    Surprise! Ancient armadillos are related to modern armadillos

    DNA evidence proves that ancient glyptodonts are indeed related to today’s armadillos, as Charles Darwin suspected.

  7. Paleontology

    Plesiosaurs swam like penguins

    Computer simulations of plesiosaur swimming motion may resolve long-standing debate on how the marine reptile got around.

  8. Paleontology

    Fossils provide link in dino crest evolution

    Fossils from a newly identified duck-billed dinosaur in Montana could explain how their descendants developed flamboyant nose crests.

  9. Paleontology

    Saber-toothed salmon teeth more like tusks than fangs

    Saber-toothed salmon teeth may not have been positioned like fangs at all.

  10. Particle Physics

    Dark matter helped destroy the dinosaurs, physicist posits

    In ‘Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs,’ Lisa Randall finds connections between particle physics, cosmology, geology and paleontology.

  11. Paleontology

    12 amazing fossil finds of 2015

    From an ancient sponge ancestor to the Carolina Butcher, scientists learned a lot about life on Earth this year.

  12. Science & Society

    These truisms proved false in 2015

    Don’t always believe what you hear. These truisms turned out to be false in 2015.
