
  1. Paleontology

    Under lasers, a feathered dino shows some skin

    Laser-stimulated fluorescence reveals detailed images of soft tissue in a feathered dinosaur from 160 million years ago.

  2. Paleontology

    Identity of ‘Tully monster’ still a mystery

    Paleontologists challenge whether the Tully monster actually was a vertebrate because it lacks key vertebrate structures.

  3. Paleontology

    Oldest microfossils suggest life thrived on Earth about 4 billion years ago

    A new claim for the oldest microfossils on Earth suggests that life may have originated in hydrothermal vents, but some scientists have doubts.

  4. Paleontology

    Fossil shows that ancient reptile gave live birth

    A new fossil shows that a prehistoric reptile may have given birth to live young, unlike its egg-laying descendants, birds and crocodiles.

  5. Life

    Horses buck evolutionary ideas

    Horse evolution doesn’t fit classic scenario of trait evolution.

  6. Paleontology

    Pinhead-sized sea creature was a bag with a mouth

    Dozens of tiny fossils discovered in 540-million-year-old limestone represent the earliest known deuterostomes, a diverse group of animals that includes humans and sea cucumbers.

  7. Animals

    Endings make way for new beginnings for Earth and SN

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses major changes for life on Earth and at Science News.

  8. Paleontology

    With dinosaurs out of the way, mammals had a chance to thrive

    The animals that lived through the great extinction event had a range of survival strategies to get them through.

  9. Earth

    Devastation detectives try to solve dinosaur disappearance

    Dinosaurs and others faced massive losses 66 million years ago from an asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions or maybe a mix of the two.

  10. Paleontology

    Bony head ornaments signal some supersized dinosaurs

    Bony headwear, like bumps and horns, is tied to bigger bodies in the theropod dinosaur family tree.

  11. Paleontology

    Ancient otter of unusual size unearthed in China

    Fossils unearthed in China reveal a newly discovered, now-extinct species of otter that lived some 6.2 million years ago.

  12. Paleontology

    Ancient giant otter unearthed in China

    Fossils unearthed in China reveal a newly discovered, now-extinct species of otter that lived some 6.2 million years ago.
