
  1. Climate

    As waters rise, coastal megacities like Mumbai face catastrophe

    For coastal megacities like Mumbai, rising seas and weather chaos linked with climate change threaten economic and social disaster.

  2. Paleontology

    What ‘The Meg’ gets wrong — and right — about megalodon sharks

    A paleobiologist helps Science News separate shark fact from fiction in the new Jason Statham film The Meg.

  3. Earth

    The giant iceberg that broke from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf is stuck

    A year ago, an iceberg calved off of the Larsen C ice shelf. The hunk of ice hasn’t moved much since, and that has scientists keeping an eye on it.

  4. Oceans

    Shallow reef species may not find refuge in deeper water habitats

    Coral reefs in deep-water ecosystems may not make good homes for species from damaged shallow reefs.

  5. Animals

    New ‘Poké Ball’ robot catches deep-sea critters without harming them

    A machine that gently catches and releases animals underwater could help researchers take a more detailed census of the deep sea.

  6. Paleontology

    An ancient swimming revolution in the oceans may have never happened

    Swimmers may not have suddenly dominated the oceans during the Devonian Period after all: New analyses suggest they took over much more gradually.

  7. Ecosystems

    Bird poop helps keep coral reefs healthy, but rats are messing that up

    Eradicating invasive rats from islands may help boost numbers of seabirds, whose droppings provide nutrients to nearby coral reefs.

  8. Earth

    Underwater fiber-optic cables could moonlight as earthquake sensors

    The seafloor cables that ferry internet traffic across oceans may soon find another use: detecting underwater earthquakes.

  9. Animals

    Here’s what narwhals sound like underwater

    Scientists eavesdropped while narwhals clicked and buzzed. The work could help pinpoint how the whales may react to more human noise in the Arctic.

  10. Climate

    Antarctica has lost about 3 trillion metric tons of ice since 1992

    Antarctica’s rate of ice loss has sped up since 1992 — mostly in the last five years, raising global sea level by almost 8 millimeters on average.

  11. Climate

    Tropical cyclones have slowed over the last 70 years

    Tropical cyclones are moving 10 percent slower, on average, than they did in the mid-20th century, potentially making them more dangerous.

  12. Paleontology

    The Chicxulub asteroid impact might have set off 100,000 years of global warming

    About 66 million years ago, the Chicxulub asteroid impact set off 100,000 years of global warming, an analysis of oxygen in fish fossils suggests.
