
  1. Climate

    2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, and it’s getting even hotter

    Record-level rains and temperatures struck different regions of the world in 2018, the fourth warmest year on record.

  2. Climate

    Collapsing ice cliffs may not contribute to sea level rise

    Scientists debate a controversial hypothesis that suggests that massive crumbling ice cliffs could speed up future sea level rise.

  3. Climate

    Climate change might not slow ocean circulation as much as thought

    New measurements may call for a rethink of what controls ocean circulation in the North Atlantic.

  4. Animals

    Young emperor penguins brave icy, winter waters in their first year

    Young emperor penguins learn survival skills on their own, including how to navigate Antarctica’s icy winter ocean.

  5. Tech

    Desalination pours more toxic brine into the ocean than previously thought

    Desalination plants help offset the world’s growing water needs, but they also produce much more supersalty water than scientists realized.

  6. Oceans

    Floating seabirds provide a novel way to trace ocean currents

    Seabirds idly drifting with ocean currents provide a novel way to track and understand how these flows change with time and location.

  7. Animals

    Nearly 200 Great Barrier Reef coral species also live in the deep sea

    There are more coral species lurking in the deep ocean that previously thought. That could be good news for their shallow water counterparts.

  8. Oceans

    Volcanic eruptions that depleted ocean oxygen may have set off the Great Dying

    Massive eruptions from volcanoes spewing greenhouse gases 252 million years ago may have triggered Earth’s biggest mass extinction.

  9. Climate

    Warm tropical Atlantic waters juiced the 2017 hurricane season

    Anomalously warm ocean waters in the tropical Atlantic Ocean drove 2017’s hurricane powerhouses.

  10. Oceans

    A massive net is being deployed to pick up plastic in the Pacific

    As the Ocean Cleanup project embarks, critics remain unconvinced that scooping up debris is the best way to solve the ocean’s plastic problem.

  11. Animals

    A gentoo penguin’s dinner knows how to fight back

    Cameras attached to gentoo penguins off the Falkland Islands revealed that, despite the birds’ small size, their lobster krill prey can sometimes win in a fight.

  12. Climate

    Chances of an Atlantic hurricane season busier than 2005’s are slim — for now

    The 28 named tropical storms that swirled through the Atlantic Ocean in 2005 is about as many as the region can produce in a year.
