
  1. Neuroscience

    Brain chip enables injured rats to control movements

    Prosthesis bypasses damaged area to connect distant neurons.

  2. Neuroscience

    Faulty brain wiring may contribute to dyslexia

    Adults with the disorder showed difficulty transmitting information among areas that process language.

  3. Life

    Autism may have link to chemicals made by gut microbes

    Beneficial bacteria improved abnormal behaviors in mice with altered intestines.

  4. Neuroscience

    Excess activity shrinks blood vessels in baby mouse brains

    Newborn mouse pups experience permanent brain changes when repeatedly overstimulated.

  5. Neuroscience

    Fear can be inherited

    Parents’ and even grandparents’ experiences echo in offspring, a study of mice finds.

  6. Neuroscience

    Global neuro lab

    With more than 50 million users, the brain-training website Lumosity is giving scientists access to an enormous collection of cognitive performance data. Mining the dataset could be the first step toward a new kind of neuroscience.

  7. Neuroscience

    The memory benefits of distraction

    We usually think of distraction as a bad thing for memory. But under certain conditions, distraction may help rather than hurt.

  8. Neuroscience

    Gene that boosts Alzheimer’s risk might protect against it too

    Carrying certain genetic versions of apolipoprotein E is a major risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. A new study looks at the effects of different types of APOE on the major markers of Alzheimer’s in mice and shows that all forms are not equal.

  9. Neuroscience

    The Inconstant Gardener

    Microglia, the same immune cells that help sculpt the developing brain, may do damage later in life .

  10. Health & Medicine

    Nicotine withdrawal linked to specific brain cells in mice

    A group of cells within one brain region may control the physical symptoms that plague people trying to kick their cigarette addiction.

  11. Neuroscience

    Brain reconstruction hints at dinosaur communication

    T. rex and other dinos might have understood complex vocal calls.

  12. Neuroscience

    Teenagers act impulsively when facing danger

    Brain activity may help explain why crime peaks during the teenage years.
